

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 months, 1 week ago





Participants' Photos and Intros



Please do "not" include any more intros in this page. It's full.

Click "next page" right below for the new "intros" page.


IMPORTANT:  Use the next page to post your introductions




NOTE: You need to request access to the wiki to be able to edit. You also need to have an account in PBworks.

Click here to create one. (It's free.) You'll receive a confirmation email from PBworks with a link to activate your account.


Watch this video if you don't know how to request access; it also gives you an overall description of wiki navigation:



If you see a light yellow banner across the top saying that a participant is "editing" this page, please "don't steal the lock". Just be patient and wait your turn! Wait until they finish and save their work. Come back in a few minutes. That's good netiquette.  :-)



Once you click on the "Edit" tab (above), scroll down the page until you see the last introduction, then...


Follow these instructions to paste your intro (the one you sent to the Yahoo group):


1. Add your intro after the last profile you find. Make your intro no more than 100 words.

2. Select "your name" and write your name. 

3. Add your photo in the left cell; Please, resize your photo to 150 x 150 (pixels) maximum before uploading it:

    a. Click the "Images and files" link (on the right) once you are on the edit mode

    b. Upload your picture

    c. Put the cursor on the picture cell and click on your photo link (on the right)

4. In the right cell write your introduction. Include information about your place of work, the country where you live, what you do, why you joined this session, and your Yahoo ID. (It's advisable to write it in advance in Notepad, for example, and then copy-paste it here.)

5. Click "Save"


N.B.: If any of you accidentally delete something in the wiki, please click undo; if it doesn't work, contact the moderators through the yahoo group, so that they try to recover the information previously saved. If you notice that you're messing up your editing, or that something is wrong with your work, don't Save, just Cancel, and then start again. Thank you! 


Note: Please, resize your photo to 150 x 150 (pixels) maximum before uploading it.


If you don't know how to resize your photo, please see the Help page


If you have questions, feel free to ask in the YG list





Teresa Almeida d'Eça




I'm a retired EFL teacher and currently an online and f2f teacher trainer in Web 2.0 tools. I taught English for 33 years at most levels. I live and work from home in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In January 2002, I joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline 8-week teacher development workshop - yes, back then it was 8 weeks!!! - and since then I've been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! I've been coordinator and moderator of BaW with Dafne González since 2004. It's the longest-running EVO workshop celebrating its "10th Anniversary" this year. So far we've reached 2800 colleagues in 104 countries. I also co-moderate with Dafne the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". You're welcome to visit my website and get in touch with me at teresadeca-at-gmail.com .

YahooMessenger: teca2002pt

Skype: teresadeca

Twitter: teresadeca

SL: Tere Short 




Flávia Uhlmann


I'm delighted and excited about taking part in this marathon of EVO courses for the first time. I've been teaching privately in São Paulo, Brazil, for over 20 years now. My biggest challenge with the constant globalized and tech world is to be up-to-date with the latest and cutting edge online teaching resources with the Web 2.0 tools. Therefore, my participation in the BAW2013. I teach BE both online and f2f, and I try to engage my private students into some blog participation: www.thecreativeenglishlearning.blogspot.com , as well as offering some resources on my site: www.creativeenglishlearning.com.br .I'll be glad to learn and exchange ideas and experience with all of the participants. Look forward to it. A great 2013 to all of you!

Skype: flaviauhlmann

Twitter: flaviauhlmann 

Hotmail: flaviarcuh@hotmail.com

Gmail: flavia10uh@gmail.com

Site: www.creativeenglishlearning.com.br


Lucia Quiroga

Hi everyone!
I'm Lucia from San Luis, Argentina and I´m pleased to share these meetings with you. I currently work as a lecturer of American Literature at a Teacher Training College (Instituto de Formación Docente Continua San Luis). I'm interested in taking part of these sessions to engage my students in virtual environments and guide them in new online projects. For this purpose, I expect to get new, fresh ideas and improve of my online tools management. Looking forward to meeting you!





 Teresita Mazzei


My name is Teresita Mazzei, ID: hippokampos.
I lived and went to High School in Canada for five years, and lived for 22 years in Germany, where I went to University and worked. I now live in Caracas, Venezuela, where I have been teaching English, Spanish and German for the past 17 years. I have done this as a freelance teacher for companies and private students, at institutes, and as a university professor. I am very excited about this course. I can hardly wait until I can do this Webhead course, become a Webhead and use internet tools in online-classes. Looking forward to meeting all of you and exchanging experiences and information with you.
Yahoo: hippokampos@yahoo.com

Gmail: tamazzei@gmail.com

Skype: teresita.mazzei

Website: www.spanenger.com


Sanja Bozinovic

My name is Sanja and I teach English as a foreign language at a primary school in Velika Gorica, Croatia, where I live with my husband and two sons. I have been a teacher for 22 years.

I have also been a Webhead for five years and with Webheads I have learned a lot about the use of 2.0 tools and a lot about collaboration and sharing. 

This year I am looking forward to a lot of learning about new tools and a lot of sharing with this great group of teachers. 


My Yahoo ID: sanja.bozinovic       Twitter: bsanja

Facebook: Sanja Bozinovic            SL: San Krokus

Blog: http://sanjasays.blogspot.com/


Jorge Pardo



Hello everyone, my name is Jorge Pardo, (you can call me George if you like); my Yahoo ID is jorgeapardom; I teach english to private students in Caracas, and I joined this group because I want to know about tools available today for interacting with people through the web, either on or off-line. I hope to learn to make the best use of all that knowledge and succesfully implement it in the exercise of this much noble profession of teaching.

Eager to start learning and interacting with all my fellow teachers, I say goodbye,




Maria Rita Pepe


Hi, my name is Maria Rita. My Yahoo ID is mrp_eslteacher. I am an Italian EFL teacher. I teach teenage students in lower secondary schools in Italy.
I am looking forward to learning new ways to integrate technology and web tools in my daily teaching activities.
It's great to be part of this group!


Celsa Mendoza


Hi,  my name is Celsa Mendoza. I am  an EFL Teacher from Venezuela who like to share experiences with colleagues all over the world. One  of my main purpose with this  workshop is to  get more ideas about using Web 2.0. I surely think teachers should  be ready to integrate to this dynamic and different way of learning.  Looking forward to hear from you.... See you soon !!! 

Skype: celsamendoza1

twitter: turicha

gmail: cjmendoza63

yahoo: celmen63


Anna Conway


 Hello! I am Anna Conway and I am from Yerevan, Armenia. I have been teaching English to adults for 14 years now and I have taught in Russia and Kazakhstan as well as Armenia. This is my first time with the Webheads but not the first time in EVO. 

I really enjoy EVO sessions and every year look forward to them. 

Skype: anna_conway

Twitter: @AnnaConway77

Facebook: AnnaConway77

Email: annac2006@gmail.com

Blog: annaevo.blogspot.com


Marija Huzjak-Saban

I'm Marija Huzjak-Saban. My yahoo ID is mhsaban. I've been teaching English for 27 years and working with students of different ages and levels. At the moment I'm teaching teenagers at a secondary school in Velika Gorica, Croatia. I like my job very much, but I feel I still have a lot to learn so that's why I can hardly wait to start learning about different Web tools. I know a very little about it but I am sure it's something we simply must do because we can't imagine our future work without it. Besides, we must do our best to motivate our students to learn.

Email: mhsaban@yahoo.com

Facebook: Marie Jane

Skype: MarijaHS60




Marie Helene Fasquel


 Hi everyone
My name is Marie Helene Fasquel but my friends call me Marie .
I m from France.
I m an esl teacher. my students are high school students  .. from 15 to 20 years old.
I love all kinds of things especially sailing, didactics, travelling, reading and so much more.
right now, I m on a Comenius prep visit in Italy and it s fantastic and next week  I ll be in Rome for two weeks on a teaching program - training session -- to learn how to teach ESL through drama. So I m not going to be able to be very active until the beginning of February but I ll try to keep up as much as I can and to catch up asap.
I m looking forard to sharing with you. By the way, I m an EVO adddict -- I chose 2 sessions 3 years ago, 3 the following year and 5 last year.
take care  --- Marie 

skype id. thuicle

gmail. mhfasquel@gmail.com

yahoo id. mhfasquel

blog. http://sharingteaching.blogspot.it/ 

Twitter. @mariehel2

FB. Marie Helene Fasquel 


Catherine Boissier

Hello everyone! I'm Catherine and I live in Grenoble, France - right next to the beautiful French Alps.

I have taught EFL for many years in France bit I come from the north-west of England and I love going back to the UK when I can. I teach in engineering universities but I like to do some in-business and 'fun' adult classes to keep up a good variety of teaching.

I started with BAW last year and was immediately impressed by what other teachers were doing all over the world. Scared to join in, I soon made some good friends with whom I often sat up until very late trying to find the right buttons to press. It was all challenging but such an eye-opener! And we did often succeed in the tasks! I look forward to doing the same with you all soon!

Yahoo ID: catherine.boissier

Skype: catherine.boissier 


Sarath Seneviratne

Hi, I am Sarath Seneviratne, at bunchi4s@.... I am a retired teacher. I was active with web heads way back and am just trying getting back in the groove.... 

Yahoo ID: bunchi4s


Kristin Shitara

Hi Everyone.  I am an American living in Japan. My husband and I have a small English school.  We teach all ages, but mainly children.  Our students come to us one time a week for English lessons.  A couple years ago I started getting interested in integrating tech into my school and lessons, so I am always on the look out for good PD.  I love online learning because I live in a rural area with very few opportunities for traditional PD activities.  I love to see where everyone is from and learn about what other English teachers are doing all over the world.  Thanks for offering the course.  I'm looking forward to it.   

Yahoo ID  shitarakristin 

YM ID shitarakristin

Skype ID  kristin.shitara


Holly Dilatush


Hello everyone,
I'm Holly Dilatush, a returning webhead, here to help celebrate the 10th anniversary, to learn a few new things from all of you, hopefully to share a few things as well. Please call me Holly
smilin7h = my Yahoo ID / smilin7 = my Skype ID
I am the founder, online community manager, and lead facilitator for LEWWWP: Learn English With a WorldWide Perspective, a Ning site  <
I join most years and contribute sporadically, always glad I join, almost always feeling I should have contributed more than I manage to.
Striving to live up to the title of webhead is a challenge I embrace smiling. :)
Looking forward to learning with you, Smiles,
Holly*also a co-moderator for the EVO_Drama_2013


Débora Tebovich

My name’s Debbie. I'm a passionate EFL teacher in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I teach f2f and online. Technology plays an important role in the class; students get more motivated and enthusiastic when they can use some technology. I have been infected by the "I can" bug, and as it is so contagious my students are slowly but consistently getting infected, regardless of their age.

I strongly believe in the power of social networks, I actively and enthusiastically study to develop as a teacher. So, I am looking forward to becoming a Webhead to continue learning about better ways to create memorable learning moments. 

You are welcome to read my blog at: http://datenglish.blogspot.com.ar

My Yahoo id: datenglish11@yahoo.com

My Twitter: @datEnglish 


Tatiana Kharlamova


Hello everybody,

I am Tatiana Kharlamova. I have been teaching EFL for 17 years (English Department, Saratov State University, Russia).  I am interested in the new ways of incorporating technology into the teaching process as we are all enveloped in a digital cloud today. I have got some experience in designing joint virtual projects with Russian and American universities on cultural awareness and language learning. I am also involved in the teacher training programme on modern technology in TEFL for Russian university teachers. I hope it will be both useful and enjoyable to participate in this workshop. 

Yahoo ID: tvkhar

Skype: tatiana.kharlamova1


Mireille Pinas


Hi all, 

My name is Mireille Pinas. I am from Suriname (South-America) (Yahoo-ID: pintolena)I have been teaching for about 8 years now, but only recently as a teacher trainer. I formerly taught English as a Foreign Language at middle school level I love technology and am always eager to learn of new ways to integrate technology into education. The last couple of years I have used technology for teaching, but I'd like to find ways to familiarize my students with this use of technology, so they will feel comfortable using it as well as a student and hopefully later on as a teacher!  Regards,   

Ms. M. Pinas

Instructor at IOL

Instituut voor de Opleiding van Leraren (IOL)

Advanced Teacher Training Institute

Blog: pintolena.blogspot.com  


Dorina Marin

Dorina Marin

My name is Dorina Marin. I used technologies always in my work. I'm primary teacher at National College of Art"Octav Bancila" Iasi, Romania and I want to know more from all of you. My yahoo ID is domar68.



Özlem Zengin


Hi to everyone!
I am Özlem Zengin from Turkey. I have been teaching English for 2,5 years at Bilkent University. I have been teaching young adults. I have been interested in technology for a year now but I want to improve myself in terms of practice rather than knowledge such such blogging, wiki, etc. through sharing information with such people keen on technology.Furthermore, I believe that it is a great chance to meet you all so that we can develop our PLN. I hope this course will contribute to our profession. I will do my best to benefit from this course to a great extent. 
Best wishes,


yahoo ID: ozlemzngin

Gmail: ozlemzngin@gmail.com

Skype: oezlemzen

Twitter: ZlemZn(Özlem Zengin)





I'm Kerry from Vancouver, Canada where I've been teaching ESL to adult immigrants at a community college for the last 22 years. I completed an eteaching certificate a few years ago, but unfortunately have not had much opportunity to use it as I usually work in assessments rather than teaching. 
For this reason, I really feel a need to keep up with new technologies and stay
in the loop.

Looking forward to playing with you all.....


Yahoo ID:  youngshep44 

Skype: youngshep




Hello Everyone!

I'm Karlene, a Jamaican teacher of Elementary grades for over 15 years.  All my students remember me for my creative integration of the Arts (Visual/Performing) and Technology in my lessons.  I've never had formal training in those areas but continue to tap into the online resources and using all opportunities to watch the professionals at work.  I discovered this course on Twitter and truly hope to learn much from it.  I'm also looking forward to collaborating with educators from different cultures.

Skype: kyarot

Twitter: @kyatchi

Facebook: Karlene Bee

Yahoo: Buckarl 





My name is Maria Ossei. I'm from London but I live in Saint-Etienne, France where I work as a freelance English teacher. I teach in a

business school and I teach General and Business English to adult clients. I would like to join the group to meet other Webheads and to

learn more about using wikis in the classroom with my students. I would specifically like to learn how my students can create individual wikis

within a group wiki. I'm also very interested in creating interactive exercises.




Maria del Carmen Colussa

I am a teacher of English in Argentina, my L1 is Spanish.  I´m currently learning how to incorporate international collaboration, cooperation and sharing among teachers all around the world, and the way I´m doing it is helping teachers-friends with whaterver it is that they need, eg. videos, or exercises, or pictures.  I´m brand new to many tools especially wikis!! That´s why I tend to spend a lot of time in front of the computer trying to figure out things, since I´m a computer immigrant.  Looking forward to learning and sharing with this new group of educators!



Chris Jones

I joined the Webheads in 2002. Since then, I've taught in Arizona, USA, and in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I retired and moved back to Arizona in 2010. I've gotten rusty in my online skills, so I joined this session to get more up to date.

Yahoo: edtec2002


Mohammed Shehata


It gives me much pleasure to join this workshop and try to learn something new. My name is Mohammed Shehata. I am an Egyptian English teacher. I've worked in both Egypt and UAE, but currently I'm working in KSA. I work as
an English instructor in HTC center in Dammam. Here's my Twitter
https://twitter.com/mrmohammedsheha and my Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/Mohammed.Mohammed.Shehata . My Yahoo is "mrmohammed_english2004@yahoo. com" I've enrolled myself this month in one MOOC and two session in the EVO2013. I feel so excited :)  I've conducted few virtual classes. I wish to find more ways to integrate technology in my teaching.
I'm looking forward to meeting you all. I be believe that it's all about sharing and networking 


Yuliya Ruchiova


Hello! It is a great pleasure to be here. My name is Yuliya Ruchiova. I'm a teacher from Ukraine, Zhovti Vody. I've been teaching English and Spanish for nearly 13 years in the Humanitarian gymnasium. I have my blog www. whyers.blogspot.com 

I was the finalist of PIE program and visited the US in 2004 Chico, CA

Also I have some experience in debate team coaching. But now I'm highly interested in using web tools while teaching. I need more knowledge and practice. REady for getting and sharing experience and knowledge. Pleased to meet so many wonderful people from all around the world. Good luck to all of you, guys!

Yahoo ID: yruchiova

Skype: yuliya_ruchiova

e-mail: yruchiova@gmail.com 


Eleni Argyriou


Hello everyone! My name is Eleni Argyriou and I am an EFL teacher in secondary education in Greece. I hold a M.Ed. in TESOL and I like blogging, networking,digital stories, virtual environments and generally any tool that I can use with my students to enhance their learning. Looking forward to working with you and learning even more.

email: elenargy@yahoo.gr

skype id: elenargy1

twitter: elenargy1



Miriam Sheen 


Hello everyone!!  

My name is Miriam Sheen Cuba, I am from Trujillo Peru. I am an English teacher and a teacher- trainer, I teach at a Binational Center   "El Cultural" and I also teach English  at a public school- secondary level. It is really a great pleasure to participate in this course, I love technology and I hope  to learn about the web 2.0 to improve and update  my teaching techniques and so, help my students to use these tools to make their learning interesting , funny  and entertaining.

I really wish you good luck and look forward to working with you!!

Miriam Sheen



Crystal Rose


Hello everyone. My name is Crystal Rose and I am a graduate student at the University of Minnesota. I'm finishing up my second year by starting my plan B papers, one of which will involve a look into how ESL teachers use technology for professional development. I live in Minneapolis, MN, and I'm from MN, but I hope to teach abroad once my degree is completed. I taught English in South Korea for a while, but I'd like to explore some place new. I'm currently teaching beginning reading and composition to adult international students at the U of MN. I'm excited to collaborate and see what kinds of great ideas everyone has about using technology in their teaching and professional development.
Gmail: crystal.rose.awesome@gmail.com
Twitter: @crysrose28
Blog: http://eslcrystal.wordpress.com/ 


Irina Kuznetsova

Hello everyone! My name is Irina Kuznetsova. I'm from Russia, Volgograd. I teach at Volgograd State University (Volzhsky branch). I'm anxious to start this amazing course and employ new techniques in my classes.




Jennie Wright

Hi - I've lost my previous message (sorry). But anyway, I'm Jennie and currently work in Karlsruhe, Germany, (near the Black Forest). I teach 100 engineers who are experts in IT and I'd like to be able to work some webhead magic on my learners after this course. Looking forward to working with you all. 





Sneza Filipovic


Hi, I am Sneza, an English teacher from Belgrade, Serbia. I have been teaching adults for more than 20 years, I first joined BaW last year not because I loved technology, like everybody else, but because I was scared of it and because my best friend had finally persuaded me this was the best place to be converted. How right she was! I can`t possibly imagine a better place to learn, with so much help from coordinators, moderators and other friends with who I  shared the quest for the right button! It doesn`t happen often that you completely change your views on something so crucial  so I decided to write about it in my blog  http://www.digitalsealogbook.blogspot.com/ . This year I can say I am here because I love technology but I love even more  BaW spirit,  the wonderful, extraordinary people I meet here!

Yahoo ID: sneza.filipovic

Skype: sneza.filip7


Sabrina Wilson


Sabrina Wilson

Yahoo ID : sabwilson247

My name is Sabrina Wilson and I'm an English teacher at an after school academy in Spain.

I teach children from 4 years old to teenagers and also adults. I joined the Becoming a Webhead group to learn more about

using technology so that I can approach my boss about offering blended learning opportunities to teen and adult students wishing for

more activities outside of the classroom.

I'm looking forward to contributing and learning with all of you.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RemoteEnglish


Vladimir Mitic (EnglishOSAca)


Hello everyone, my name is Mitic Vladimir.

I teach primary school students (levels Intro-Beginner - Lower-Intermediate) in several villages outside Aleksinac. I have been teaching for the last 7 years. Ever since I took part in my first online course, almost three years ago, I have become interested in incorporating modern technologies (wikis, blogs, micro blogs, podcast, social network sites...) into the classroom. That is one of the main reasons why I joined this course.

emails: vmitich@yahoo.co.uk, and englishosaca@yahoo.com

Yahoo ID: vmitich

Skype ID: englishosaca

Twitter: https://twitter.com/englishosaca

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/englishosaca

blog: http://englishosaca.wordpress.com/


Bernard Alsina


Hi, my name is Bernard Alsina. My family is originally from Gibraltar, and I was raised in London, UK. I speak English and Spanish. I teach EFL English at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I am also a radio broadcaster and published writer. 

I am very interested in discussing ideas for using everyday technology in the classroom.


Email & Yahoo Messenger: bernard.alsina@btinternet.com

Skype: bernard-alsina 


Suhel Ahmed

My name is Suhel Ahmed. I am currently teaching English at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah. I am looking forward to learning and using all these modern internet tools for interacting with people.  I would like to use them hopefully in my EFL teaching.My yahoo id is suhelcool2004.

email: sahmed30@hotmail.co.uk


Claudia Carril 

My name is Claudia, I teach English in Uruguay where I prepare students mainly for Cambridge and Trinity exams and also have conversation lessons.

I have a Bachelor's dregree en TESOL (University of London).

I can't remember when was the first time I enrolled for BaW but since then I couldn't stop coming every year to learn about new technologies to use with my students and to meet old and new friends. 


Amel Abbes

Insert your photo here

(maximum 150x150 pixels

- please resize it before


Hi everyone, happy to be among you at last. I'm Amel, from Tunisia and I'm an ELT trainer.

I like travelling and meeting new people. I would like to join the group to improve my online tools management and to know more techniques for  the language classroom. 


Dicle Erbay Üzal 

Hello everyone! I am an English Instructor at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. I have been teaching for four years and I'm very excited to be here. I think teaching by using technology is going to be inevitable in a couple of years and I think it's essential for all teachers to catch up with the new opportunities to teach. That's why I'm here!

So, see you around!



Georgia Georgogianni

Hi! I am Georgia from Greece. I have been teaching English for the past 7 years! The reason I am here is because I am really interested in social networks both for teaching and professional development. Currently, I am working on my dissertation for my MA in Tesol on networks!

I hope that being here will be a unique experience.

Yahoo ID: ggeorgogianni

Facebook: Georgia ELT Georgogianni

Skype: ggeorgogianni

Email: ggeorgogianni@gmail.com


Mitja Lesjak

Hi, my name is Mitja and I'm a teacher of English in the Slovenian Armed Forces Language School. I hope I will learn some interesting new ways of transfering my knowledge to my students here.

Looking forward to working with you.

yahoo ID: lesjakm91




My name is Bob, I was on BAW 2012 and really enjoyed myself as well as meeting
lots of interesting people and learning some things which will be useful to me.
So I am back to see learn more and hopefully give a little
back to the new community.

I am also doing another EVO course at the same time so apologies if I am not
around as much as I should be.


Catherine Flahaut


Hello everyone.

I'm Catherine, I'm from France, in the Alps, I'm very happy to share and to learn from all of you.

I 've been teaching for 30 years to pupils from 8 to 18, now I'm retired but I work as a substitute teacher as much as possible and I give private lessons. I would like to improve in technology and I'm sure this is the right place.



Pamela Williams 

Insert your photo here

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- please resize it before


Hi, my name is Pamela. I am teaching ESL at a University in Baku, Azerbaijan. I am joining this group to keep up with my students and their pizzazz with all things technical.

Yahoo ID: ptw3574

SKYPE ID: pamela.williams776



Amany Abd Elhamid 

Hi colleagues and moderators,

I am Amany Abd Elhamid .I am from Egypt .I have been teaching English since 1991. I teach grades 7-9 at the time being. I am not very good at using technology, so I joined this course so as to learn from you all.

My Yahoo Id: amanykteer78

Skype Id      : amany.abdelhameed




Hi My name´s Gildeta but everybody calls me Gil. I live and teach in Brazil. Nowadays I am teaching privately only but I love what I do and I´m looking forward to learning something about technology to improve my classes. Although I am not very skilled in the matter I would like to learn. I am very excited about being in this course.

My Yahoo ID is marigilde

Skype: gildeta

Twitter: gildeta 


Mildred Mendoza

I live in Maracay, Venezuela. I work for the English Department at Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua since 1971. We were trained 3 or 4 years ago to work with Moodle, creating and manging courses.  I loved the xperience. Now, I need to learn how Moodle has improved so I can create new things for my students. We are all here to learn more. My Yahoo ID and Twitter is: mildredjmc. Personal Skype: mildred.mendoza, but you have to let me know via Twiter when you are in, so I can connect. I am connected to skype all day but using my work ID.


Norah Andrade


Hello everybody

 My name is Norah Andrade Arce, I come from Trujillo- Peru. I am an English  teacher and a teacher trainer, I have been teaching English for more than 30 years. I work at a Binational  Center: Centro Peruano Americano "El Cultural", I teach English to teens and adults. I feel very happy to participate in this course, I am eager to learn about these interesting internet tools to make my classes more interesting and funnier
 Thanks for this great opportunity
 Norah Andrade



Anne Breckenridge 

Hi everyone in EVO 2013. It's a pleasure to be here and learn all the latest tips and tricks for best teaching practices. It's not my first EVO, but it's
something I look forward to in Jan and Feb every year.
I am originally from Glasgow in Scotland but I have been living in the Basel Switzerland and Alsace France area for the last 25 years. I see a few people from France and Germany here this year.  I teach English and French to adults in my small private school, The Language Workshop, as well as a "mother and young children's activities" group in French.

As I live in a small village, I enjoy these opportunities to reach out to the world through EVO!
I look forward to working with you here,
Best wishes,
Annie B    annieb.tlw@gmail.com 

Skype ID:  language.workshop

Yahoo ID:  anniebreckenridge  (Annie B, Annie Breckie)


Fabrizio Bartoli


Hi everybody my name is Fabrizio Bartoli. Efl teacher from Sicily. I used to run a language school before getting a permanent contract as state school teacher in 1999 and I am currently teaching k11-13 students in a lower secondary state school in Acireale, not far from Catania.  We've got several iwbs, a computer lab and so on but most  of us just do not have the right know-how in order to get the most out of all this.  I'm attending a post graduate course in web applications to efl, and a few online courses (moodle for teachers here at Evo, e-books, Adobe cs5, Edmondo/secondLife).  I'm very interested in this course and looking forward to learning from tutors and the other participants.  I'm still a bit puzzled by all these email notifications, yahoo groups layout and the rest but hope I'll work it out asap.  Anyone can reach me at mrbarfab@gmail.com, share, contribute, comment on

google drive,

my diigo library





Maria Luisa (Mumi)


Hello everyone

My name is Maria Luisa and my nickname is Mumi. I am from Lima, Peru and am currently the Academic Director of a training company (Customized Training Services) and a free-lance lecturer. I am also a professor at a Master in TEFL blended learning course at a private university and have worked as an Academic Coordinator at different private universities for quite a few years.  

I am determined to learn more, share more and enjoy all my classes. I participated in BAW2012 and loved every minute of it although I did not have time to try out all the tools so I hope I could do that this time.This is one of my blogs 

I look forward to hearing from you.  



Lucy Yordanova

Hello, everyone.

My name is Lucy Yordanova.

I am from Bulgaria, but I live and work in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I teach general English, IELTS and ESP to adults at Al Khawarizmi International College  in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Currently I am working for one of the biggest factories for aluminium in the world called EMAL, where I teach General and Technical English to the Emirati trainees.

I joined this group because I met Vance at a workshop here in AD who inspired me to do so. :)) I also joined the group because I hope by the end of the course I would  learn  how to use different WEB tools in my classes in a more confident and effective way. I will be happy to make some new friends and share knowledge  and good practices.

I also expect to have a good time with this wonderful international group.


skype ID: y_lucy_y

yahoo ID: lucy.yordanova



Hi, everyone. I am Heidi Kotun Dawes from Upstate New York, and it is COLD right now!  I coordinate a very small ESL department at Elmira College, and have only this year begun to incorporate technology tools in my classes. My favorite collaborative tool at present is Google Docs because everyone can work at the same time without worrying about "breaking the lock". I am eager to become part of a larger network of educators on a similar path of exploration.


Anzhelika Vladyko

My name is Anzhelika Vladyko. I live in Yekaterinburg, Russia’s fourth biggest city located in the Ural Mountains. I’ve been teaching since 1991 and have experience of teaching all ages. I currently teach 8 and 9 grades at school. We collaborated in projects with classes from the USA, Spain and Peru and we’ve just accomplished a big project with Pennsylvania, USA, called “The Global Quest”. I’m interested in meeting colleagues from all over the world to involve students into more projects using technology and also integrating technology into my classroom and online teaching.

Yahoo: anzhelika.vladyko@yahoo.com

Facebook: Anzhelika Vladyko

Skype: angie.ru1


Alexandra Chistyakova




My name's Alexandra Chistyakova.

I’m an English teacher at Moscow State University, the Physics faculty, Russia. I also work as a private teaching giving one-to-one lessons to learners of various ages and language levels. I enjoy my job for many things, but the one that I like most of all is communication with both students and colleagues around the globe. At the moment I feel I lack the basic knowledge in using Web 2.0 tools in teaching and that’s the reason why I joined this session. I hope the session and collaboration with other participants will help me improve a lot.


Email: alex.chisty@mail.ru

Twitter ID: @alyaalexandra

Blog: eltdiary.wordpress.com




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Comments (21)

Anna Conway said

at 9:15 am on Jan 11, 2013

I don't seem to be able to insert the image although it is in JPEG format. It keeps on inserting the link. Help please!

Larisa A. Olesova said

at 1:32 pm on Jan 11, 2013

Anna, you should upload the image frst. Go to Pages and Files (the tab at he top) and upload the file. Then come back to the page, click on EDIT and click on the image from te list on the right. It comes with your image. Let me know how I ca help you, Larisa

Anna Conway said

at 1:53 pm on Jan 11, 2013

Hi Larisa! Thanks for replying. That's exactly how I did it the first time and the result is on this page. I suppose I can delete and upload the image again. Maybe that will help. :) Thank you

Anna Conway said

at 1:59 pm on Jan 11, 2013

Oh, it seems the problem resolved itself. :)

Mireille Pinas said

at 11:41 pm on Jan 13, 2013

Thanks for your help Larisa!
The above mentioned instructions( about inserting the picture) really weren't clear to me.

karlene said

at 2:48 am on Jan 14, 2013

I'm having the same problem. Tried a number of times. Followed instructions but not sure what I'm not interpreting correctly. Need to insert photo. Help!

María del Carmen Colussa said

at 2:53 pm on Jan 14, 2013

I´m having the same problem, I wish it was easier!!!

Yuliya Ruchiova said

at 9:09 pm on Jan 14, 2013

I did something wrong and now there are three photos of mine are somewhere else but not near my introduction. Sorry and give me some advice how to correct it. Thanks.

Sarath Seneviratne said

at 9:49 pm on Jan 14, 2013

delete the pictures by clicking on it, right click mouse and then delete. ZClick on the box where your bpicture is to go, and then click on the uploaded picture (link that you find on the right)

Daf said

at 11:15 pm on Jan 14, 2013

Hi Yuliya, I deleted the pictures that were on the top of the page, then I put your pic in the right place and resized it.

Daf said

at 11:16 pm on Jan 14, 2013

Karlene, I wanted to add your picture but I could not find the file. What is the name of your photo file?

Gil said

at 12:54 pm on Jan 15, 2013

Hi My name´s Gil and I´m trying to add my profile and I can´t, The page says that I need permission to edit the workplace but I have already got two emails welcoming me to the wiki. I don´t understandl. Please could you help me? Thank you.

Daf said

at 11:34 am on Jan 16, 2013

Hi Gil, Make sure you are loggin to Pbworks before trying to edit the page.
Hope this helps :-)

Gil said

at 5:54 pm on Jan 22, 2013

Thank you for your help.

ameltabarka said

at 11:40 am on Jan 17, 2013

I uploaded my photo, but I cannot see it near my profile. I think that it's a question of resizing; moderator, can you help me?

Bob said

at 2:33 pm on Jan 18, 2013

You can resize the photo here http://www.picresize.com/ upload it and then set it to 150x150 and then you should be ok. Thanks to Teresa for showing us this in the webinar. I did learn something!

Teresa Almeida d'Eca said

at 12:59 pm on Jan 17, 2013

Hi Amel!
Your photo is huge. You need to upload a small photo 150 x 150. I will delete the big one.

ameltabarka said

at 2:36 pm on Jan 18, 2013


Annie B said

at 6:28 pm on Jan 18, 2013

I had to try it a few times and find a way to get my photo small enough and in the right place! But eventually I managed. :-) I'm on a Mac and I found I could resize conveniently using iphoto ( I usually use Picasa).

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 8:47 am on Jan 22, 2013

Hello Annie,
Congratulations for being successful in doing that. Getting the photo the right size can be a challenge. A good thing to do is to get it resized online. If you google "image resizer, you will find lots of options. I generally prefer the ones that do the job online (that do not ask me to download any program). Picasa is definitely a good photo service.
Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
See you around .

celsa said

at 4:13 am on Jan 25, 2013

I really have to confess that it was a long time I didn´t have this type of experience since I am not teaching conversational now, but technical. Any way I recognize it is a great and nice moment for me. I think it is going to be a great opportunity to work with the ICT. Every day we learn and learn so that our students become better professionals according to the real time. See you next..... Celsa

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