

Page history last edited by Miriam Sheen 11 years, 12 months ago




Comments on Live Sessions




Leave your comments here, one after the other, in the corresponding session. First write your name in bold and the date (in brackets). Start writing your comment in the next line. If you're commenting on someone's comment, you can start with @Teresa, for example



Teresa and Fernanda's tour of Yahoo Groups and Wiki  (Jan 15)

Ayat (Jan. 15)
I found this tour quite quite interesting and very useful because.....


Marijana  (Jan. 15)

@Ayat:  I totally agree because....


Svetlana (Jan. 15)

@Marijana: I 'm not sure I agree with you completely....






Week 1


Teresa Almeida d'Eça & Fernanda Rodrigues

Tuesday, Jan. 15,

17:00 - 18:00 GMT


Vladimir Mitic (15Jan13)

A very useful first live session. Some things have been clarified.
One question though. Are there going to be recordings of the sessions? 'Cause I'll be at work for the second one, and several others.



Hi Vladimir,
Yes, there will be recording of the live session, I asked before living the session today as I had a student waiting. And I think it's really useful because we can use the recordings as tutorials, in this particular case on how to deal with this wiki  (Débora)


Maria Rita

I would like to thank Fernanda and Teresa for their clear and useful tour of these two tools. I will be playing around as you suggested to learn more about the potential of pbworkswhich I am particularly interested in. I have followed courses using wikis but I had never edited pages or created my own wiki.


Flávia Uhlman

Hello, everyone. I've got particularly interested in the wiki tool to explore with the aim of designing a course, which I particularly haven't done so far. I've already created a PBworks wiki for the Neuroscience in Education and will have a little more time to see how it works. Thanks for Teresa and Fernanda for this session and answer to my questions. Best wishes to you all.



Thank you, interesting and informative. I am going to experiment with the wiki and see how it can be used. I have used yahoo groups in the past but, new to wiki.


Anzhelika Vladyko (Jan 15) 
Thank you, Teresa and Fernanda, for such an inspiring beginning! The session has been really useful and informative.



Thanks Teresa and Fernanda for opening a whole new world to me. The tools and resources you mentioned are really useful. I started exploring Voki and I'm enjoying it. Thank you!


Lucia Quiroga (Jan. 16)

Yesterday's session was quite interesting since we were shown how to play with wikis and how to use yahoo groups. I also found it useful to start thinking about the purposes of our classes over the tool we would like to use (blog, wiki, etc.) Congratulations, Teresa and Fernanda!


Débora Tebovich

Thanks moderators for the live session, it was really interesting and useful, I am new to Yahoo groups, and instructions on how move around were very clear to follow, yet no warranty I am not going to need extra help. lolRegarding the use of the wiki, I got familiar with PBworks during EVO 2012, but still find it challenging, can't say why but I find Google sites much easier, but I will watch the recording of the session every time I can't find my way around. Thanks for your patience!


Özlem Zengin

Thanks a lot Teresa and Fernanda for your informative session. It is my fist time to be introduced  wiki pb works, which I found quite interesting and have already started to explore.

Best wishes to all :)


Bernard Alsina

Very well presented sessions by experienced people who obviously know their way around. But my honest impression of Wikis is not positive I'm afraid. I have seen Wikis many times before and never liked the `look` and functionality of them, they seem to look dated and complicated compared to the latest software, forums etc. And I'm not sure teachers have the time to spend on teaching people how to use it, if you can't learn to use it quickly -  like the popular web places are. Yahoo Groups looks more intuitive. I would like the tutorials to be more focused on practical uses in teaching, but maybe that's coming! :-)


Tatiana Kharlamova (Jan. 16)

Thank you, Teresa and Fernanda. I haven't got much experience with the wiki and PBworks so now I am going to explore it. But I need some time to digest the information and understand how it works. And Tutorials are of great help.



Dear Teresa and Fernanda. I feel like I can't say anything original ,about my first experience with teleconference that somebody hasn't already said. It is simply great! I feel like being at the bottom of a huge mountain and it's going to be hard to climb to the top, but who cares? There are such helping and caring people around. They will give me a hand from time to tome on this steep hill so I feel very positive about the outcome. Thanks a lot!!!


Miriam Sheen Cuba (jan 16)

First of all I want to thank the moderators for this great presentation, you were very patient to tour us along the wiki page, and this was crucial for me because I had some doubts about the page. I guess you show all the tools we can use in this wiki space even you make examples to understand better. Thanks again  


Bob Lejkowski-Clark (Jan 16)

Thank you Teresa and Fernanda for taking the time to show us around these 2 sites. I don't remember seeing this one last year so it was very useful to have a refresher on PBwiki and Yahoo groups. I think it will certainly be of use to the newbies too!


Norah Andrade Arce ( jan 17)

Thank you Theresa and Fernanda for  giving us such important information , I think this will help many people in the group,  especially those who are not cyber , in my case I am not an expert but I try to do my best every single class because  the new students’ generation like to learn with these kind of tools.


Argyriou Eleni (jan 17)

Teresa and Fernanda I just saw the recording of your session. Thank you for your detailed tour of how yahoo groups and wikis work. 


Sneza Filipovic

Thank you Teresa and Fernanda for this wonderful tour. It"s so informative and clear. Like Bob, I can"t remember having it last year, probably missed it. Anyway, this is a great tutorial for beginners particularly! 


Kristin Shitara (January 20th)

I have been using yahoogroupsfor a few  years now, but I haven't really paid much attention to the "extra" features.  It was interesting to learn about the calendar and the database functions.  I will have to try them out.  I am new to wikis.  I think they are great.  It seems like they make a great substitute for webpages for those of us who aren't web designers, but need a central location on the internet for organizational purposes.  I'm looking forward to creating my own and learning the ins and outs.   


Sabrina Wilson (Jan 20th))

I watched Teresa and Fernanda's presentation on January 16th but haven't had time to comment till now.

I thought the information was very well explained.

It's so good to see what was being explained and have it available as a recording to go back to if needed.

I have some ideas brewing for how to use this with my students.

Thanks very much!!!


Amany Abd Elhameid (20th Jan)

I'd like to thank you Teresa and Fernanda for this useful session . I watched the record and I beneficial for me but as a newbie I find myself somewhat slow at practicing some extra activities mentioned by Fernanda. Thanks for your help


Teresita Mazzei (Jan. 20th)

Teresa´s description of the Yahoo group page was very informative, especially that about the left hand tools, such as Messages, Photos, Links to certain pages, Database, Polls , etc. One participant´s question  whether a blog can do the same as a wiki was important and was very well answered by Teresa.  

Fernanda´s tour through the wiki, showing us what each tool is for and how it is used was also very helpful. I had already seen some aspects of the wiki in another video  by Fernanda, but reviewing those and learning about more wiki features was very refreshing.  I am grateful  for the information  about www.shrinkpictures.com.

Now it is clear to me what the two centers - the Yahoo Group  and  the Wiki Center - are for.  Before this presentation, this differentiation was not so clear in my mind. I am very pleased with this presentation by Teresa and Fernanda.


Lucy Yordanova (20th January)

Thank you, Teresa. Your session was very useful, informative and clear which helped me a lot because I am not familiar with how to work in YG. I find the "link" section especially useful because it can make our job much easier. :)

Thank you also to Fernanda. I thought these are two separate sessions :(. The wiki was a little bit more difficult to me at the beginning, probably because I didn't get an access to "edit" very fast, but now I am getting more confident. I will experiment these days until every thing is digested. Thank you for your efforts.


Kerry (Jan 21)

Sorry...going to add a negative comment here.  I attended the live session and found it very difficult to concentrate on what the speakers were saying due to the amount of comments in the chat area which did not really relate to the content.  I noticed that most of the chat comments were quite personal and seemed to be just a venue for acquaintances to reconnect with each other.  I believe that during a synchronous activity, the emphasis should be on the content of the presentation.  The chat area should be a place where participants without mic access can ask questions which should be answered by the comoderators who are monitoring the chat area.  In this session many relevant questions went unanswered because too many participants were using the chat area as a coffee room.....pet peeve that I had to air../



I sent a message to the group about your comment. Hope you read it.

Teresa, 25Jan13


Mumi (22 Jan 2013)

Thanks very much for allowing us to see the Live seesions recordings and please receive my apologies or doing this so late. I am sorry i missed them last year and again this year.However, I have learned a lot from Fernanda and Teresa. I understand now the importance of yahoo groups as communication centers and have managed to recorde my information in the Database, created my Photo Album and learned more about all the possibilities it has. Thank you Teresa.


Fernanda, you have given me very good insights into how to use wikis. Last year I learned how to create blogs and I created blogs for my different courses at the university and asked my students to create their own blogs. This year my goal is to create a wiki since, as you said, it is better for organizing the information in a better way than blogs.


Thanks again my dear ladies for all this information, I will certainly put it into practice.


Nora Brussolo (Jan. 25)

I have listened to the recording of the session and am really thankful for all the clear information given. I knew a bit about how Yahoogroups worked but I had no idea about wiki. A few years ago I learnt to use blogs and had a try at my classes, now that I found out this new tool (wikis), I´ll give it a try.  


Cholpon Musaeva (Jan 29th)


Thank you so much for a wonderful beginning session, Teresa and Fernanda. It was an interesting, informative, clear, precise and to the point :). Though we used both of the tools last year, our memory is selective and due to my lack of practice, I did not remember certain things, it was a wonderful reminder and an incredible presentation of aspects that I missed last year, THANK YOU!


Ivana Brozović (Feb 3rd)


Presentation was very useful. I liked that everything is explained in simple language and in small steps. It was very easy to follow. 

I've never used Yahoo Groups but I think this is a very useful tool. Regarding to the Wiki, I used Wikispaces. With Marijana from Croatia I commented face to face the differences between Wiki and Wikispaces and I really look forward to learning new things.


Thanks for a great presentation!  



Vance Stevens

Thursday, Jan. 17

13:00 - 14:00 GMT


Fabrizio Bartoli (Jan 21st)

I couldn't attend live but eventually managed to find the recording and watch it.  It was a bit hard to get a record of the huge amount of interesting links submitted. I realized clicking on the link does not work and the session is quite heavy for downloading. At the end I used jing to capture the pages I was interested in and/or an open office doc to paste the links but I'm sure there must be a better and faster way to save links while listening.  As soon as  I have the time I'll go through the wikis he mentioned about


Maria Rita (Jan 19)

It was nice to hear something about the history of Webheads in Action. You are pioneers. Thank you for sharing. With each live session, we get to know you better.


Kristin Shitara (Jan 20)

It was interesting to hear about the berry bush model of learning on the internet.  I have not quite adjusted to it.  It bothers me that I can't keep up with all the messages on the yahoo groups, yet I know that it is impossible for me to read comments from 240 some participants.  I think it is difficult for some personalities to just pick a few good pieces of information and not worry about what they are missing.  This is a new learning strategy for some people, but I suspect the younger generations who have grown up with the internet have already mastered this particular learning strategy. The webheads are a friendly and helpful group of people.  I'm happy I joined the course. 


Sabrina Wilson (Jan 20th)

I watched this (Vance's presentation) live on Thursday January 17thbut only now have time to comment.

I loved hearing about the history. I have attended a few of the Sunday sessions that Vance hosts and they were all very interesting. I guess I'm a floater or lurker because I don't always contribute but hang around and listen. I feel I'm a bit in-experienced to add anything at the moment but hope this will change soon. I love the fact that we can watch live sessions we've missed as recordings because I can't attend all of them due to some of them being run during my work hours. I think there are about 260 people on this course and only about 30 could attend so everyone else can watch them when they get a chance. Brilliant!!!


Argyriou Eleni (Jan 20th)

Hi Vance!! I saw the recording of your session. I have joined EVO sessions since 2008 and I enjoyed this trip to the past and I also liked seeing colleagues from all over the world. What I remember is that at that time I didn't have a broadband connection and I was really stiving not to lose my connection and listen to moderators without pauses. Rough times make us stronger though.


Lucia Quiroga (Jan 20)

Hi! I watched the recording of the session: since this is my first time in the EVO courses, I am really surprised ofthe long history of these sessions. It is hard to think of a time when there were no wikis and no facebook! So I am looking forward to learning more about virtual environments and about the tools mentioned for building tutorials and using screenshots. I also feel relieved with the concept of the "fishing metaphor" that you used, since it is just impossible to keep updated with all the information available. It is still hard to adapt to the new learning methods that communication technologies and internet are leading us into. But that is just the challenge!


Teresita Mazzei (Jan 20th)

I found Stevens´ history of Webheads in Action  - how it all began and what it is now with the technologies that have come about and the perseverance of the people involved in it -  was very interesting. The information about tools for tutorials was new to me and I am very keen to learn more about them.


Lucy (20th January)
Dear Vance, thank you so much for this interactive session. You have been doing a great job in the web. All this world is so new to me... you have been there for so long, but now that I heard about the berry bush approach I feel much more comfortable and less scared :)). Your talk gave me a berry for today, great. I hope I will learn much more these days and will manage to filter better and become more confident.


Miriam Sheen Cuba (january 22)

I saw the recording of the session and I twas really interesting to learn about you, this is my first time in an EVO course and I was a great pleasure to meet you Vans. The presentation showed the historyof Webheads in Action and I see you have been working with these courses for a long time and you know I didn’t know that??? So now I have to thank Mr. Michael Krauss for sending me your information to participate in this course. I am also very pleased to work with the pioneers this is amazing!! Besides the history information you showed other tools like JING to capture images and it is incredible how one tool can help you save time and enhance your class. Thanks for this great presentation.


Norah Andrade Arce (january 22)

I couldn't attend to the live session but I managed to find the recording to  watch it . Since this is my first time I participate in an EVO course, it was good to learn about you especially to know you are the pioneers. I have attended many TESOLS in the USA but I have never heard about you, so now this is a great opportunity to learn about you and to learn about these internet tools. I find JING a very useful to work with a great variety of images, I was exploring it and I find it very easy and helpful. Thanks Vans


Nora Brussolo (Jan.25)

Yesterday I could listenedto the recording of the session. I really enjoyed seeing the faces of those who are sharing this experience and found the information about Jing very useful. I have downloaded it to try it, unfortunately something went wrong and I still couldn´t use it but I will insist. Next step will be to do a research on the sites and pages mentioned during the session. Thanks. 



Week 2


Ayat Tawel, Jose Antonio Silva (JA) and Teresa Almeida d'Eça

Wednesday, Jan. 23,

17:00 - 18:00 GMT


Carol 23.1.2013

I really enjoyed  the session today and learnt a lot. This is the second live session I've attended now and already I'm feeling more comfortable in there and more able to comment/ask questions , and everyone is so friendly and helpful. In the first session I attended I found it difficult to concentrate on the presentation and all that was going on in the comment stream at the same time! but I'm getting used to that now and it's great how everyone can support each other and answer each others ' questions. I find taking part in a live session is very different to listening to a recording afterwards, somehow for me  'live' is more motivating and leaves me feeling very enthusiatic and ready to get stuck into using the tools - I guess it's because you're connecting with real people. Perhaps this is how our students feel too? So thank you again for today's session.


Flavia (Jan. 23rd)

I really liked the LIve Session today, mainly to see how many tools are already available to us. I'd really like to discuss more on the applicability of those tools in real teaching situations. We had little time to discuss that. Tksto all moderators and Bawmates for the valuable opportunity today. See you around soon.


Tatiana Kharlamova (Jan. 24)

@Carol: I would completely agree that the session was really useful as it gives an overview of the tools which can be used in teaching, though it is still difficult for me to catch up with both the presentation and the comments.  I hope I will manage to do it step by step.  Practice is of great help here.

Ayat, Jose Antonio and Teresa, thank you for the presentation. Every time I attend the live session I admire how skillful you are at presenting complicated things and giving necessary comments.


Catherine Boissier (Jan 24)

Just enjoyed my third live session this year, this time with JA and Ayat giving clear and interesting explanations of how to use some audio tools. Wonderful, as usual. Am looking forward to Michael later on. Thanks to all, as usual.


Flávia Uhlmann (Jan 25)

Well, first of all, thanks Teresa and Fernanda, for the help thru all this universe of Web2.0 tools I've been learning to deal with during this Baw2013 course. Everything has been amazing. All the sessions are profitable especially to have a near contact with all of you and all the participants. It's a shame we don't have more time to explore the teaching pros and cons of each resource - like to have a forum discussion. Have you all thought of this too? Best wishes to all of you.


Lucy (24th January)

I missed the live session, but I just listened to the recordings. I liked Vocaroo because it seems really easy and user friendly. I tried also Eyejot, but my Linux didn't recognize my micand my Windows didn't recognize my camera. Strike from my both operationsystems :)). I will try on later and will share the results. I very much like Voxopop and have recorded a message, this tool is also easy to use and great fun. Thank you for the presentations.


Mitja (Jan 25)

Thanks for a wonderful presentation (again). I must admit I haven't heard of these tools before, but I think they are great and I can't wait to try them out in class. I especially liked Vocaroo and the Eyejot this feature.I'm sure they will come useful in our self-study e-classroom.


Teresita Mazzei (Jan, 25th)

Fernanda, Ayat and Jose Antonio´s presentations were very didactical. Four interesting tools were introduced to us: Vocaroo, Sound Cloud, Voxopop and Eyejot. Now I am more knowledgeable about these tools and am sure that I will use at least  Vocaroo, Voxopop and Eyejot (including is feature `Eyejot it´) for my classes, blogs, webpage and,  maybe, wiki.  Of value were also  Fernanda´s sharing with us the link www.authorstream.com and Ayat´s explanation about how to do our Task 3 of Week 2 with Voxopop.


Chris Jones (Jan. 25)

I watched the recording of this session yesterday. One advantage of that was that I could stop the recording after each tool and try it out. I had fun with eyejot.com by sending an anniversary message to my sister and brother-in-law. I recently bought a new mic, and it was good to get it set up in two different tools. Note that one tool needed to be set for "line-in" and another for "microphone" when I tested the mic. Otherwise the recordings I made were soundless. I'm trying to keep a record of my progress with tools, and you can see my notes (and silly eyejot.com recording) here: http://edtec2002.pbworks.com/w/page/62997401/BAW%202013%20Practice I'm showing this mostly to give you an idea of how you might track your progress on a wiki.


Nora Brussolo (Jan. 25) 


I´ve just been listening to the recording of the live session and am really thankful for the clear explanations given. I have already been "playing" with Voxopop and brainstroming on how I can make use of it in the class. From this sessions I also liked the special feature on Eyejot that allows us to send our messages directly from the page we want our mates and/or students to search. I am learning a lot and as everything is practically new for me it´s taking me ages on the computer, exploring, exploring and exploring. 


Maria Rita (Jan 26)

I've just finished listening to the recording and I would like to thank you for your clear presentations. I find these tools very useful and I had time to bookmark them. I tried to add Vocaroo to my wordpress blog - the blog I use for my EFL classes - but I didn't succeed. I liked Eyejot and found Teresa's presentation perfect but I don't think I will be able to use it with my young learners. I don't want them to upload pictures and videos of themselves on the Internet and I usually do the same to make them understand the importance of safety on the Internet.


Sneza Filipovic

This was such a useful session and I am so sorry I wasn`t there with you. I listened to the recording, some parts twice! I have already used some of the tools and will definitely try the others. My congratulations to all of you!


Kristin Shitara (January 27th)

I just watched the recording.  All of the tools are very exciting.  I'm looking for something to promote speaking practice at home. With all of the choices out there, I should be able to get something started with my students.  I especially like the idea of voxopop and I am going to look into handybits, too.  Great session!


Cholpon Musaeva (29 th Jan)


Thank you Ayat, JA, and Teresa, for a mind-blowing joint session. I simply loved the session, it was amazing- demos, slides and descriptions. Thanks a lot for raising our awareness about these incredible tools which can be used in a myriad of ways in various contexts :).


Fabiana Casella ( Jan.29)

Although I started on Week 2, I am so happy to be able to participate in these sessions, listen to great professionals who are sharing their knowledge and giving us a wide, simple and very practical way of using several tech tools in our classes. As a foreign language teacher, I find all the recording tools very useful for the students to record themselves by presenting their favorite character in a novel, or singer, songwriter, etc. Finally, I did record my comment on Voicethread, which I believe is one of the most interesting tools to use with projects. Last year I made an attempt to use some of presented tools, such as Vocaroo and Eyejot in my classes and worked quite well. However, I still have a long way to go so I am thankful for this project for I know I am going to keep on learning and growing as an connected educator!


Miriam Sheen Cuba  (February 11th, 2013)

I am very sorry for not having enough time to watch the live sessions because I am working at those times.However I watched the recording and I had the chance to learn about the audio and video tools. You are making a great job, all the tools are very interesting to be used in our classes, the voxopox and   handybits and  eyejot videos   are totally new for me, so I will use them in my classes. Thanks  for your great presentation


Michael Coghlan

Thursday, Jan. 24,

12:00 - 13:00 GMT


Flávia Uhlmann(Brazil - Jan. 25th)

Now, I think I finally learned how to post comments here, Teresa and Fernanda!! Great Session! Michael is awesome! This session brings lots of resources and I'd really like to have the slides. Is it possible to download them? Or we just have access to the video? All my best wishes of great achievements to all of the World Webheads!


Faith (Kuching-Jan. 24th)

I really liked today's live session. Currently I am a teacher-mentor, so I use many asynchronous tools to communicate with my mentees. As well some of my mentees, who are teachers of English in elementary publics schools in Malaysia, are using asynchronous tools (mainly Facebook and YouTube) in their teaching practice. I had a discussion with some mentees about using synchronous tools for speaking and listening practice. Has anyone had success using synchronous tools for teaching listening and speaking with young learners (ages 7-9)?


Lucy ( 24th January)

I really enjoyed today's live session for a couple of reasons. First of all, it was very informative and presented a lot of different tools and resources. I will try some of them during the weekend. Secondly, the comparison between asynchronous and synchronous tools was something we could all think about. I especially liked the recipe for effectiveness, thank you, Michael. I have the feeling that nowadays a lot of our colleagues get obsessed with the idea of using IT  and they become more computer geeks that EFL and ESL teachers. Michael, you are right that people who work with technologies think differently and process information differently, but very often they are odd and they speak their own language and sorry, but I cannot agree with you that only they will succeed :((. I don't want to be like this and that's why your recipe is awesome. The thing that I enjoyed most in your presentation was the interactivenessand the involvement of the people and for me this is the most important feature of using IT in class. Thanks again, Michael. Hope to meet you again online or offline, in synchronous asynchronous communicative environment :)).


Catherine B (24 Jan)

What a pleasure to hear Michael again. Yet another clear talk with many interesting points to note & try out later. His relaxed attitude and willingness to get us to participate during the talk were welcoming and motivating. Thanks to all the team


Maria Rita (Jan 25)

I have just finished watching the recorded session. It was really helpful; I loved your clear recipe for success. I use some of the tools mentioned, but I would like to try others. Since I teach young learners and teenagers I tend to work in controlled environments such as a class blog or a virtual classroom. I would like to use synchronous tools for enhancing speaking skills but I have to learn how to get to the right balance between bold and noisy students and shy, passive participants.


Cholpon Musaeva (29th Jan)


Thank you so much for a super live session, Michael :). It was interactive, involving, informative, clear and interesting. I came to know about so many new tools for teaching, learning and communication :). Wonderful slides :), explanation and a cheerful song :)- it was a true success!


Teresita Mazzei (Jan 29)

Michael´s presentaiton was very illustrative of one part he talked about: `Skillsof the Live Online Presenter.´ He used polls, he asked and let participants and other moderators  ask questions, he never talked more than 6 minutes at a stretch.

Especially interesting was the section about Tension: Synchr v Asynch and its following part Resolving tension between Synchronous and Asynchronous tools.

And finally, I appreciated Michael´s sharing with us the title "Net Smart. How to Thrive Online", by Howard Rheingold . I´ve already read some reviews about it and it looks very promising.


Fabrizio bartoli

Very interesting session.  I am looking forward to trying to poll my students online they will certainly enjoy it a lot more than the usual paper worksheet.  Maybe with younger students like mine a google form used within the google apps environment would do the same without the risk of having to open an account?  I downloaded the slides but I'm afraid the software I have available is no good for this .WBD file extension; if anyone knows what the right software pls let me know  i


Kristin Shitara (Feb. 10th)

I just watched the recording. I'm playing catch-up. I also thought the presentation was very informative and insightful.  I appreciated the recipe for success at the end and the song!  It is not the first time that I have heard an ELT professional indicate that the use of modern technology has changed the way people process information and approach problem solving.  I tend to agree with this idea, but I am wondering if anyone can point me to any studies or research that backs it up?  I would appreciate it.

Miriam Sheen Cuba

I watched the recording session and I found it really interesting because the terms synchronous and a synchronous are really new for me. Since I work in public school the most common tools are the asynchronous ones  but after watching your presentation I will encourage my students to use both. Thanks Michael



Week 3


Graham Stanley

Monday, Jan 28

20:00-21:00 GMT


Crystal Rose (Jan. 28)

I just caught the end of the discussion, and I intend on going back to listen to the entire talk again. However, I just wanted to say that I think it's awesome that people are talking about personal learning networks explicitly. I feel like the topic can be somewhat of a "trade secret" at times, but it's nice to open the discussion and know there are people of every experience level willing to collaborate and share ideas, which seems to ultimately improve the field and enhance the level of education we provide for our students.

Having just embarked on developing my own PLN, I find that establishing an RSS feed (like Google Reader) to be invaluable. Twitter has also proved to be a great medium for the sharing of ideas. You just have to find your areas of interest and you'll slowly build a network of people concerned with the same issues. Happy networking!


Karen Frazier Tsai (Jan 28)

Today's session was so very helpful for all of us, but especially for those who are trying to set up their PLN. Graham's explanations of the different tools were so very clear. And, the discussion and sharing among all the participants helped answer questions that some of us new to PLNs didn't even know to ask. Thank you to everyone for a great exchange of information! Good luck to all as we start or improve our PLNs!


Flávia Uhlmann (Jan.28)

Lots of things to digest, esp. becauseI'm not so familiar with Twitter - so I'll have to pave my way for the near future. The discussion was great. Very good group of participants. Really thankful to you all for the valuable links and comments.  Let's move on to our PLN! Best wishes to all of you.


Cholpon Musaeva (Jan 29th)


Thank you so much for an awesome session, Graham, and all the moderators and participants for a valuable comments, clarifications, references and links. I am not familiar with most of the tools mentioned in a chat box, and would like to create a Twitter account and a wiki or blog for experimenting with the newly learned tools with all of your help.


These sessions are invaluable and helpful. Thank you for such an opportunity and support,  everyone, and a big special thank you to all the coordinators, moderators who keep the course going helping thousands of people in vital area which is extremely crucial at this dynamic and fast moving time. THANKS A LOT!


Tatiana Kharlamova (Jan. 30)

The session was very informative and useful. Thank you, Graham, for clear explanations and vivid examples. Now I know the difference between PLE and PLN and I will try to explore the tools mentioned. The only problem is how to find time for all of them -Twitter, Facebook, Ning, LinkedIn, Elmodo, etc. It is so engrossing!


Kerry Shepherd (Jan 30)


To Tweet or not to Tweet - that is question.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to answer in the negative.  I resisted Twitter for a long time and finally opened an account (under an alias as I often do to test something out).  Just couldn't get into it.  I am not interested in following or being followed by strangers (yes, I know one can develop great cyberfriendships) but I spend enough time at the computer already.  I find that links and more links often take up time that could be better spent with real life friends & family.  Many have tried to convince me to join the masses.  Sorry, Graham, you haven't succeeded.  I'm going to post this comment in my Blog, so if anyone has any great ideas to spark my Twitter interest, feel free to add them.



Fabrizio Bartoli (jan 30)


I could not follow live but went through the recording.  Very much Tweeter oriented, but really useful to me as I've just opened an account and started tweeting and following and the rest trying to work my way out.  It's quite callenging as there's a lot to learn to get the hang of it, I think.  I dowloaded the tweet deck yesterday and things start looking a lot easyer.  Building a PLN that works for me, my students and any other willing to share is my next ambition but it's a long way to go...


Lucy Yordanova

I have to agree with Kerry. I just opened an account  at Tweeter, but I am not convinced that this is the right tool for me, it could take a lot of precious time that could be used for more effective tools and networks and I do not like the idea of all this crowd.  I wouldn't use it with my students, because I am not sure for what purposes they would log in. :)) I have to confess, I am not a big fan of social networks, probably because I live in the Middle East where social networking is not the most popular activity.

On the other hand, the presentation was helpful for people who are new to Tweeter. Thank you, Graham.


Vladimir Mitic (Feb 2)

Michael Coghlan session has "blown me away". I'm so sorry I missed it. The presentation was absolutely fabulous :). Until now I didn't know the difference between synchronous and asynchronous ways of teaching and learning. I was aware that there is a difference, but I didn't know how to define it. The other thing that was very well is the interaction between the lecturer and the participants. I like when the presenters require feedback from the participants. Feedback via chat is OK, but sometimes difficult to follow.


Kristin Shitara (Feb 10)

I have to say that this session has helped me to look at twitter in a new way.  I have always thought of it as a tool for the "young and hip" as a place for jokes and pop culture.  It didn't appeal to me. I didn't think of it as a place to connect for serious issues or for professional development or networking.  However, I have been convinced to give it a try.  I live in a rural area in Japan and my only colleague is my husband, so it is very easy for me to become isolated professionally.  Twitter could be a way for me to join staff room discussions from around the world. Now I am faced with a new problem.  Is there a term for stage fright pertaining to twitter?  I feel a little bit of a panic about getting started and I am not really comfortable with meeting strangers on-line, but I feel I need get over this since it is an obstacle in the modern world of on-line communication and learning.



I have already seen the recording presentation and I think It was very interesting. To be honest I do not have a tweeter account  , probably because I didn't know how useful it could be . Now after watching this presentation I see that it has many useful applications  in all contexts and it is another way to have a close contact with friends.

thank you a lot 



AyatTawel/Marijana Smolcec

Saturday, Feb. 02,

17:00 - 18:00 GMT


Flávia Uhlmann (Feb. 2nd)

It's so nice to learn new things. Thanks Ayat and Marijana for your kind explanation on Blogger and Twitter. I could try on Twitter a little more, as I haven't yet started using it in my teaching, exactly because I haven't so far understood its more practical use. But with the ideas given today, I'll think more about it, esp. to apply with my private students. BTW, I'm afraid I won't be so much participative in the next 2 weeks as most of my students will restart their classes from next week on. But, for sure I've been positively overloaded with lots of resources to apply. Tksto all BaW team.


Fabiana Casella (Feb 2)

I am so impressed with all the information I am getting through these live sessions, that I do not know how to thank the whole team for the hard work. Today´s session was extraordinary too. It was very clear, neat and inspiring. However, I haven´t decided to start my own blog and open my Twitter account. I may give them a try in the future because now I know how to do so. It is just a matter of taking the courage in my case. Thanks again for your hard work.


Ivana Brozović (Feb 4)


Thanks Ayat and Marijana for great presentation. I own Twitter account for some time, but I have not used a lot. After listening this lecture I become familiar with the many opportunities that Twitter offers. Thanks a lot for useful informations.

I never edited a blog, but I believe that it will be interesting. Marijana has very well explained making of blog so I think that I will not have to much trouble with with creating and editing.

Until now I have never participated in a live sesons and it was really very interesting.


Thanks again Marijana, Ayatand all Baw team!


Fabrizio Bartoli (feb 7)

Just  gone through the recordings . Lof of useful info. I've been using twitter and tweet deck for a few weeks now and still find both of them a bit of a callenge with the funny language and the rest but I really like twitter the proble is always having enough time to stop clicking and start experiencing on the tool, reflect on how to use alla the different features and how to work on it in the classroom... and with so many tools it looks like a never ending task!  I used blogger to start a blog but then I ended up using the blog feature inside a weebly website; it is so much easier though it does not have all blogger's blog options and I couldn't link posting either to diigo or any other network, so after this session I 'mlooking  forward to having another try with blogger.  I'll get back soon with a new Baw13 bloggers blog.  Thanks a lot


Catherine Boissier

I loved listening to these talks. They all know so much and how to use so many web tools. At the same time it was all (even a second time) rather overwhelming and made me doubt in my ability to follow their lead. Luckily, I know this year that being a BAW means I can take my time and do things at my own pace. Thanks for all your help.


Week 4

Arjana Blazic


Thursday, Feb 7,



Marija Huzjak-Saban (Feb 7)


Thank you, Arjana. It was really a great session. So many tools and ideas with all these pros and cons! I can hardly wait tomorrow to start to explore and make new materials for my students. I feel privileged to be a part of such a good group of professionals. Thanks to all mods! They are so patient and helpful!


Ivana Brozović (Feb 7)


Thank you Arjana, I really learned a lot about tools for online testing. So far I've only worked online tests with Hot Potatoes and I wrote in Google Docs.

Thank you for the many opportunities that you presented. It was indeed a very interesting presentation. As a math teacher I have a little bit limited options to use these tests, but of course I can always come up with something interesting.

Thanks to Arjana all Baw team!!


Flávia Uhlmann (Feb.8)

Although I haven't so far used online testing tools, due to the fact I only have private business students and they don't seem willing to have any kind of test, I believe these resources are great to explore and now on Carnival (Brazil's biggest popular festival - Feb. 8 till 12), I'll give myself time to go over some of them. Thank you, Arjana, for your rich and resourceful session. My thanks and best regards to all Baw team.


Tatiana Kharlamova (Feb. 8)

Thank you, Arjana. I was impressed with such an in-depth presentation. I enjoyed it a lot. What I liked most of all is that you mentioned advantages and disadvantages of every tool. It will help to choose the one that is most appropriate for the class.


Maria Rita (Feb. 9)

I have just watched the recording and I would like to thank you for this extremely clear presentation. There are so many tools that can be used and not all of them are so easy to grasp immediately. I agree with Tatiana: your tips about disadvantages are really helpful to decide what tool is the most suitable to our needs. 


Catherine Boissier

Thank you, Arjana, for this well prepared & well presented talk. A pleasure to listen to.




Claudio Azevedo

Saturday, Feb. 9

17:00 - 18:00 GMT


Flávia Uhlmann (Feb. 9th, 2013)

It's so nice to meet professionals like Claudio and all of you - Baw organizers! The amazing work you've been developing in order to offer us the possibility to grow first and foremost personally, and then professionally. The art of sharing and collaborating is priceless. I'd like to thank Justine Arena (I know now she is part of Thomas Jefferson School team of teachers in Brasília/Brazil) for the Facebook link to EVO this year! My countrymate and I came to meet her on one of the BESIG - Stuttgart Webinars in January. Can you believe it? Thank you, Claudio, for your generosity to share all of your great work! Hope to keep in touch with you here in Brazil. Best wishes to all of you.


Maria Rita (Feb 9th)

Your presentation was really interesting. I don't think I could manage to create similar activities but I must admist that you have inspired me. I was introduced to your blogs last year in the Classdigitools course and I appreciated them so much that I tried to create quizzes from movie segments for my teenage learners. Since they are young and their language level is beginner to elementary, I chose segments from famous cartoon movies to be released (sequels of Puss in Boots/Shrek and Happy Feet) and created a simple activity / quiz on Edmodo. They really liked it! Now I have the chance to thank you! :-) 


Kristin Shitara (Feb. 10)

Claudio's personal story was very inspiring.  I was also feeling left behind which motivated me to look for PD opportunities related to tech in the classroom a little over a year ago.  I'm still in the learning phase, but I feel a little spark starting to get me to take the leap into the doing phase.  Thanks for showing the way.


Catherine Boissier

Claudio's talk was fabulous as usual. I really like the fact that he accepts that we can all feel behind the others, but that we can all do our thing to progress. His blogs are great and I have now to watch the rest of 'the mist' to know the end!


Week 5


Special Session: Ayat Tawel, Claudia Carrill, Maria Bossa, Marijana Smolcec, Sharon Betts


Flávia Uhlmann (Feb. 11,2013)

Great collaborative projects! Hope one day I can join one of you -  BAW friends - to develop a joint project like those! Wonderful community!


Catherine Boissier

Wow! A big thank you for this evening's great talks. Inspiring, dynamic and so full of emotion. A true example of dedicated teachers developing such projects.


Amany Abdelhameed(12th ,Feb.)

I didn;t attend the live session but I listend to the recording . That was a great effort from creative teachers. I learnt much from you wish you more success and hope to cooperate with you.



Rita Zeinstejer

Wednesday, Feb. 13

at 13:00-14:00 GMT


Tatiana Kharlamova (Feb. 14)

Thank you, Rita. The presentation was wonderful and I enjoyed it a lot. Google applications give us so many opportunities to make our classes more interesting and engaging for our students. I think Google Docs is perfect for developing peer correction skills and team work on joint presentations and projects. I am also planning to use it for my classes in written translation to discuss and analyse the most appropriate ways of translating a text with the students. Fantastic session! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.



Rubena St. Louis

Friday, Feb. 15

at 18:30-19:30 GMT


Flávia Uhlmann (Feb.15th)

I really enjoyed Rubena's presentation - Thank you, Rubena, for your wonderful work; it's really inspiring. I'll look thru your wiki to see how you organized the activities. My intention is to build up a course like this and I hope I'll have time to set up at least a demo and, if possible, I'd really like to contact you to see if I can have your feedback. Hope so. Best regards,





Comments (19)

Flávia Uhlmann said

at 8:23 pm on Jan 14, 2013

Hello, everyone. I'm just checking the wiki.

Vladimir Mitic said

at 6:37 pm on Jan 15, 2013

A very useful first live session. Some things have been clarified.
One question though. Are there going to be recordings of the sessions? 'Cause I'll be at work for the second one, and several others.

Debora said

at 9:56 pm on Jan 15, 2013

Hi Vladimir,
Yes, there will be recording of the live session, I asked before living the session today as I had a student waiting. And I think it's really useful because we can use the recordings as tutorials, in this particular case on how to deal with this wiki

Maria Rita said

at 7:09 pm on Jan 15, 2013

I would like to thank Fernanda and Teresa for their clear and useful tour of these two tools. I will be playing around as you suggested to learn more about the potential of pbworks which I am particularly interested in. I have followed courses using wikis but I had never edited pages or created my own wiki.

Flávia Uhlmann said

at 7:12 pm on Jan 15, 2013

Hello, everyone. I've got particularly interested in the wiki tool to explore with the aim of designing a course, which I particularly haven't done so far. I've already created a PBworks wiki for the Neuroscience in Education and will have a little more time to see how it works. Thanks for Teresa and Fernanda for this session and answer to my questions. Best wishes to you all.

Sarath Seneviratne said

at 7:13 pm on Jan 15, 2013

Thank you, interesting and informative. I am going to experiment with the wiki and see how it can be used. I have used yahoo groups in the past but, new to wiki.

Anzhelika Vladyko said

at 7:29 pm on Jan 15, 2013

Anzhelika Vladyko (Jan 15)

Thank you, Teresa and Fernanda, for such an inspiring beginning! The session has been really useful and informative.

Irina said

at 8:57 pm on Jan 15, 2013

Thanks Teresa and Fernanda for opening a whole new world to me. The tools and resources you mentioned are really useful. I started exploring Voki and I'm enjoying it. Thank you!

Vladimir Mitic said

at 2:21 pm on Jan 19, 2013

I've just finished listening to Vance's session. It seemed very fun - because of its interactiveness. I'm so sorry I've missed it :(.

Lucy Yordanova said

at 4:21 pm on Jan 19, 2013

Thank you Teresa. Your session was very useful, informative and clear which helped me a lot because I am not familiar with how to work in YG. I find the "link" section especially useful because it can make our job much easier. :)

Lucy Yordanova said

at 4:58 pm on Jan 19, 2013

Thank you also to Fernanda. I thought these are two separate sessions :(. The wiki was a little bit more difficult to me at the beginning, probably because I didn't get an access to "edit" very fast, but now I am getting more confident. I will experiment these days until every thing is digested. Thank you for your efforts.

Alexandra Chistyakova said

at 9:00 pm on Jan 19, 2013

I'm not sure if I did everything correctly but my comment on Teresa and Fernanda's Live session doesn't show up in the thread although I can see it in "the last edited by" line with a note "current resivion". It is just waiting for moderators' approval?

Lucy Yordanova said

at 7:46 pm on Jan 20, 2013

Lucy (20th January)
Dear Vance, thank you so much for this interactive session. You have been doing a great job in the web. All this world is so new to me... you have been there for so long, but now that I heard about the berry bush approach I feel much more comfortable and less scared :)). Your talk gave me berry for today, great. I hope I will learn much more these days and will manage to filter better and become more confident.

Norah Andrade said

at 3:43 pm on Jan 22, 2013

Thanks Vance for helping us to discover new internet tools , JING is fantastic

Flávia Uhlmann said

at 11:17 pm on Jan 23, 2013

Flavia (Jan. 23rd) Ireally liked the LIve Session today, mainly to see how many tools are already available to us. I'd really like to discuss more on the applicability of those tools in real teaching situations. We had little time to discuss that. Tks to all moderators and Bawmates for the valuable opportunity today. See you around soon.

Faith said

at 2:31 pm on Jan 24, 2013

Faith (Jan. 24th) I really liked today's live session. I currently am a teacher-mentor, so I use many asynchronous tools to communicate with mentees. As well some my mentees, who are teachers of English in elementary publics schools in Malaysia, are using asynchronous tools with there students (mainly Facebook and YouTube) in their teaching. We've discussed using synchronous tools for speaking and listening practice. Has anyone had success using synchronous tools with young learners (ages 7-9)?

Fabiana Casella said

at 9:02 pm on Jan 24, 2013

My name is Fabiana Casella and I am from Argentina. I have been teaching EFL for about 23 years, and in between I taught ESOL and Spanish in Middle and HS. Since then, I got crazy about tech tools so now that I have discovered BAW 2013, and with a "Little Help , but BIG from..." my friend and colleague, Maria Bossa, I did listen to January 23 and 24 webinars. I must tell you, I am learning so much that I am speechless. I´m thrilled! And so excited to be here, listening to you all, professionals to your very clear instructions, explanations on Vocaroo, Eyejot, etc etc. It will take me some time to start using all these wonderful tools for my students do not have computers in the class but want to work with me on anything concerning technology!. Thank YOU! Looking forward to listening to the rest of the presentations.

Neil Morley said

at 6:25 pm on Jan 25, 2013

Hi I missed the 1st session of the week and can't find a link to the recording, can anyone point me in the right direction

Vladimir Mitic said

at 12:48 pm on Feb 2, 2013

Michael Coghlan session has "blown me away". I'm so sorry I missed it. The presentation was absolutely fabulous :). Until now I didn't know the difference between synchronous and asynchronous ways of teaching and learning. I was aware that there is a difference, but I didn't know how to define it. The other thing that was very well is the interaction between the lecturer and the participants. I like when the presenters require feedback from the participants. Feedback via chat is OK, but sometimes difficult to follow.

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