

Page history last edited by Fernanda Rodrigues 11 years, 11 months ago

Participants' Productions






Dear Participants,

This is a place for you to post the link to your NEW wiki or blog (created in week 3). On this wiki or blog, you will share your creations using your favorite tools or any activities done as you play around during the course. Whenever possible, describe how you use the tools.

If you would like to share previous blogs or wikis, please use the corresponding column (far right).


Please use one row only for all your productions created during BaW13 so we can see the way you develop.  :-)










Your name

URL to your wiki or blog and activities - Created for BaW 2013

It would be interesting to tell us how you plan to use it with your students!


Your old blog / wiki and activities

Teresa Almeida d'Eca

My first video recorded with Screenr (referred in Vance's session yesterday, 16Jan). I had to shorten the window size, but you can get a full screen by clicking on the button the left of Screenr (below the video screen).


Recorded by Teresa during the live session at Elluminate on 23Jan13.




Catherine Boissier

week 2 message to Ayat & co :

Record music and voice >>


Here's a message to Sneza. I love being able to use new tools that I didn't try last year


here's one af my fav songs I'm trying to embed from Podbean

Download this episode (right click and save)


new try


Listen to this episode

@catherine, I love the song, it's nice to listen to some French music  :) Marijana, week 3 mod


I've made it!!! thanks Teresa & Fernanda


Flávia Uhlmann

Since the beginning of EVO2013, I've come across some nice resources, which I tried to apply to my blog


and have my students' and prospect students' participation.


1) Using Speakpipe on my blog : Calling students to participate



2) My pre-intermediate student Gabriela using Speakpipe (she sent an email with the link to me this week and we commentedon Jan.23rd class): I asked her to tell about Christmas and New Year's celebration. For Gabi, it was really hard to record, since she said she doesn't like her voice. But she admitted it it was a good resource to practice speaking and pronunciation. By the way, I could work on verb differences (pass /spend) and Portuguese intonation in her passage.



3) Contact me message (AudioPal): This is to introduce the blog to the students. Please check my blog  address. It's the first audio message on the right.



4) Eyejot trial message. I don't know yet how I can best use this resource. But after Teresa's presentation, I'll try to embed it to my blog or site (but for this you should have a pro account), probably asking my Intermediate and upper students to give a short presentation.

Unfortunately, I couldn't properly embed it here. I'll try to do it through Screencast. If I get it, I'll upload it soon.  


I finally could create a Voki - so hope it works:


For Week3, I invite you all to go to my blog.


Today I added a link  on the leftside of the blog menu, called Electronic Village Online 2013. Click on the link and you can leave your message on the wall. It's easy: Once on my wall, you just click on it and leave your message. Tks a lot.


My wiki on Neuroscience in Education EVO - as the participants have to create a portfolio for each week of study, I decided to choose Pbwiki to start learning about it.


For Week4:

 1) I've first tested SurveyMonkey. Can  you answer it, please, just for fun and to see how it works? Many thanks.


Click here to take survey



2) I've tried the JCross on Hot Potato, but still don't know if it's gonna work. I finally could follow Teresa's tutorial http://teresadeca.pbworks.com/w/page/49252143/HotPot_and_Dropbox  and created the link to Dropbox. Could you pls help me test it to see if it works? Tks a million for the feedback.






Kerry Shepherd

Here is a recording of a Skype conversation between Flavia and me.  I used Skype Recorder.


Podcast Powered By Podbean


There are many ways this could be used with students.  I use it when I assign a group task that involves collaboration in planning and execution.  The group members use skype to plan their project and one member of the group records their interaction, which the teacher then has access to for assessment of task achievement.


Here is the link to my not quite new blog:



I've just started a PBworks Wiki: 



And here's a Voki:  

Press the PLAY  button on the bottom left.


A link to a comment from one of my colleagues about ESLvideo.com




Well, after much frustration and confusion, I have finally managed to finish a JMatch quiz in Hot Potatoes.  It wasn't such a difficult task, but I am not very file/folder savvy - must work on that.  However, thanks to Fernanda (thanks Fernanda), here it is.







Sneza Filipovic

Here is my message on SoundCloud


And this is my message on Vocaroo  for those who feel now like I felt last year (confused and sometimes lost... but happy to be here)!

Audio recording >>


I started this blog last year. I wanted to write about my BaW experience. I will go on writing about BaW13 as well.



Something old, something new! This is the wiki I`ve just made for BaW13



Dear Sneza, I went through your creations and have been delighted, loved everything about them, thumbs up for a great job! (Cholpon)

Dear Cholpon, thanks for your lovely comment! The whole atmosphere in BaW is so positive and inspiring, I just follow the lead! I feel privileged to learn and share with so many outstanding people here!



Marijana Smolcec

Everybody have been creating, testing, exploring, so I thought it's my turn to do something  new as well. I just created  short audio using Vocaroo, downloded it to my laptop and uploaded it to Podbean. I hope it works. As I embed it.



My son's 1st attempt in using Screenr. With a little help of his mum



Dorina Marin

My class blog : http://clasa1bcolegiuldearta.wordpress.com/

A wiki page for Clohe project:





Last year I participated in National Forum  for Innovators in Education at Brasov Romania with a project about seasons. My students at that moment, small kids from rural area, solved these oral tests. And i put them on this page for parents:

 http://scoaladimitrieanghel.wordpress.com/iarna/   and 


We chose this route because they did not know yet to read and write. Sorry, is it in romanian language. The students products for the project can be found here:



Chris Jones

Screenr-com looked, so cool that I had to try it out. Here's my attempt:



You can see other tools I've tried at:




Lucy Yordanova

I am totally behind with the tasks for week 3. I created few things which I would like to share with you.

My Blog where I put voicemail widget from speakpipe and some other stuff.

My wIki where I am trying to collect my EVO 2013 experiments :).

so much more to do .....



Anzhelika Vladyko

Not sure if I'm doing it right. Will be happy if it works out. =) Thanks everyone for your posts here!

Voice Recorder >>

YAY!!! =)


One more result



Sandra Rogers


Actually these are my old blogs and wikis, which I hope to enhance with new widgets and research-based instructional design.

Teacherrogers Blog:


ESL Intermediate Listening Course Wiki: 


My PLE wiki where I house various lesson plans with other teachers:


College Reading wiki:




Cholpon Musaeva

Hi everyone, here is my first Vocaroo (Topic: Self introduction)

Audio recording and upload >>


Here is a link to a my wiki that I've just started creating. Please feel free to give your suggestions on how to improve it.




My voki created for my wiki (which is in progress at the moment) (Topic: My welcome note)



Vladimir Mitic

Week 3


This is not my first time on EVO courses, I took part in several other over the past two, or three years. Here are some of the products of those courses, as well as this one:

my wiki:


my blog:


my webpage (still developing) with several links to a game I created on Classtools.net, vocabulary activity for primary students (level Beginner) on Spellingcity, and several others: 


I have also posted a recording on Voxopop, but haven't made any other recordings. As soon as I do, I'll post them here.

Be sure to check out what I've edited on the Playground.


Week 4


First let me tell you how grateful I am for giving us a list of all these useful websites for generating online learning exercise (my students are probably going to hate you for it :)), but I probably won't be posting any of my productions on my blog, or my wiki. I like order, and I have to think thoroughly what I am going to do with them, before posting. I have some ideas, but I have to think about it some more. Thank you once again. 


My first online test - Simple Present Tense


Take our online test


Crossword puzzle


I made a crossword puzzle but I don't get it how are the students supposed to fill it in, or find the words in the wordsearch puzzle, since I can't print it, nor can it be filled in online.


A survey


Click here to take survey


I really liked this tool, and I'm thinking of using it at the beginning and the end of every school year in order for students to evaluate my work, their preferences...



Maria Rita Pepe

Week 3

My first wiki, especially created for BaW13. It's just the beginning but I will try to develop it to exploit its full potential: http://efllearningandteaching.pbworks.com.


Week 4

Listening test: I tried ESLVideo to create a short listening text on healthy eating: http://www.eslvideo.com/esl_video_quiz_low_intermediate.php?id=14917



Last year when I took part in my first EVO session I created a blog to keep track of all I was learning. I’m going to update it with this year’s activities. I have already started but it’s taking a while…



Nora Brussolo

Week 3

My wiki (I have just created it!!!!) http://mylearningpage.pbworks.com  


Week 4

I have created a crossword with EclipseCrossword. After many failed attempts at sharing it, I was successfull and could publish it in my blog and my new wiki. 

The blog where I post it is http://nora-growingup.blogspot.com.ar/ which I created in 2007 when I participated in the Blogging-for-beginners sessions. 


Here's the link to the crossword: 



I also created an open Cloze exercise using HP: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/143122033/HPCloze-Carnival.htm


I have also been playing with JingProject and Screencast.com. Here's the picture I got: 


Some years ago I participated in the blogging for beginners EVO  sessions and created some blogs. I have not used them for a long time but I think it is time to take them into the light again.... As I opened them now I see that some features are not working.






Tatiana Kharlamova

During Week 1-3 I explored such tools as Speakpipe, Voki, Vocaroo, Podbean, Voicethread. I am going to use these tools with my students for translation classes (to practice shadowing) and EFL classes (to share opinions on a topic).

Voice Recorder >>

Week 4

I have also created a crossword puzzle with JCross (Hot Potatoes). Hope it will work.



Here is a link to my survey:

Щелкните здесь для прохождения опроса

or http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YPYCJPM


This tool is very helpful. I used it with the students in a joint project with an American university when we discussed stereotypes and socio-cultural rules of behaviour. The students on both sides had to fill in a culture survey:

  • Word Associations: What other words do you associate with the following ones? (Russia, USA, family, success, etc.)
  • Sentence completions (see the link)
  • Situation reactions: What would you do? (A stranger (of the opposite sex) approaches you with a big smile while you're walking downtown.)

Then we analysed and compared the results. Students were really excited to find similarities and differences in perception of different notions and situations.



Marija Huzjak-Saban

Dear all,

I've seen so far that many people contributed to this page and exhibited what they have learned and achieved. But you must admit, most of you are here for years, or at least for the second or third time. You know a lot about all these tools. I've read all your posts and I really like them. Everything is great and I'm too shy to show what I'm trying to do.  Yes, just trying….because as I've already mentioned I'm an absolute beginner.

Anyway, here is my first attempt to make a WIKI.. These are just the basic contours… and I don't know how exactly to use it, because I'm focused more on a techique on doing it and later on I'll think about different applications. (and you know there are so many….)

I just wanted to say that I'm not being idle and I explore different tools all the time….but I think not sooner then this time next year I would be able to say that I,m a webhead!

My wiki http://letsgotogether.pbworks.com/w/page/63275408/FrontPage



Mariana Hernández

My new blog




Eclipse crossword exercise 1



Maria Bossa

As most of you asked me about my trip to Egypt during the live session, here I leave the links of my 2 photopeach albums

http://photopeach.com/album/10vuca2 - Trip to Egypt

http://photopeach.com/album/mcc57v  - My camel experiences 

Hope you enjoy them, Maria :)



Miriam Sheen Cuba

this a new blog .



ESL VIDEOS is a great web page to create video lessons in cluding the questions



This is another page where you can listen to songs , and sing karaoke looking at the lyrics


I creates these sites  some time ago and I use it with my methodology students and english students .


The main focus of this blog is to create a dynamic teaching site for those students who want to be English teachers by posting not only class-related information to methodology, but also activities, discussion topics, links to additional information, and readings to inspire teaching. I hope you find this site interesting and resourceful


this wiki has been designed to provide english students with additional resources to reinforce the topics dealt in on-site classes


Maria Luisa (Mumi)

Dear all

I am sorry I could not participate as much as I wanted this time but I did try some things I could not do last year. I have used vocaroo  
Audio and voice recording >> in the blog I created last year when I participated in BAW 2012. I am really grateful to all of you tutors and moderators for all this. I have several vokis now but would like to insert a new one here


http://mumimaria.blogspot.com/ this is my not so new but certainly improved blog with the clock and the vocaroo. I will try to create a wiki soon.


Irina Kuznetsova

Week 3 recollections. I'm sorry I'm a bit slow on fulfilling the assignments, but I'll do my best to fulfil them and integrate the resources into curriculum.This is my Vocaroo experience and ideas on how I'm going to use it in Pronunciation classes.








Comments (8)

Teresa Almeida d'Eca said

at 5:26 pm on Jan 27, 2013

Dear Sneza,
Thank you so much for two very enlightening and useful recordings (SC & Vocaroo). IMHO, they should be heard by everyone in BaW13. Great reflections and advice! Thank you, dear friend! :-)
Hugs, Teresa

MarijanaS said

at 6:52 pm on Jan 27, 2013

Hi all, I have embed Podbean recording. It worked better using Google Chrome, as some extra HTML code was seen when I embed it using Firefox. Anyway, I am enjoying looking at your work.

Sneza Filipovic said

at 10:44 pm on Jan 27, 2013

Dear Teresa,
Thanks a lot for your kind words! I am simply returning, or better said, passing on what I received here last year: a lot of encouragement and understanding. So, best wishes to beginners and everybody else!

Sneza Filipovic said

at 2:42 pm on Jan 28, 2013

Hi Cat! What a beautiful message for me. I left a comment in Soundcloud but it disappeared. i hope it went to the right place. Thanks a lot! Hugs, Sneza

Gil said

at 6:54 pm on Jan 29, 2013

Because there are so many wonderful tools and a great deal of works from all the participants I got lost browsing everything. I´m totally behind schedule. I didn´t do many of the activities I was supposed to but I think I´m learning a lot even so. Congratulations to everyone.

Sandra Annette Rogers said

at 5:13 pm on Jan 31, 2013

Gil, don't worry. You will get lots of ideas and then try them out in your own time. At least, that is what happens with me. For example, I started my portfolio/blog in the EVO Multiliteracies workshop but it took several months later for me to really get going with it.

Vladimir Mitic said

at 3:09 pm on Feb 8, 2013

I found a way of printing stuff from Toolsforeducators. Use pdfmyurl.com site. Just copy the url into the box, and voila :).

sharonbetts said

at 1:50 pm on Feb 17, 2013

Thank you all - I am so impressed with the wonderful work this year.

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