

Page history last edited by müzeyyen aykaç 11 years, 10 months ago




Participants' Photos and Intros



Page 2

(The first page was full, so please use this one for your introductions)



NOTE: You need to request access to the wiki to be able to edit. You also need to have an account in PBworks.

Click here to create one. (It's free.) You'll receive a confirmation email from PBworks with a link to activate your account.


Watch this video if you don't know how to request access; it also gives you an overall description of wiki navigation:



If you see a light yellow banner across the top saying that a participant is "editing" this page, please "don't steal the lock". Just be patient and wait your turn! Wait until they finish and save their work. Come back in a few minutes. That's good netiquette.  :-)



Once you click on the "Edit" tab (above)scroll down the page until you see the last introduction, then...


Follow these instructions to paste your intro (the one you sent to the Yahoo group):


1. Add your intro after the last profile you find. Make your intro no more than 100 words.

2. Select "your name" and write your name. 

3. Add your photo in the left cell; Please, resize your photo to 150 x 150 (pixels) maximum before uploading it:

    a. Click the "Images and files" link (on the right) once you are on the edit mode

    b. Upload your picture

    c. Put the cursor on the picture cell and click on your photo link (on the right)

4. In the right cell write your introduction. Include information about your place of work, the country where you live, what you do, why you joined this session, and your Yahoo ID. (It's advisable to write it in advance in Notepad, for example, and then copy-paste it here.)

5. Click "Save"


N.B.:If any of you accidentally delete something in the wiki, please click undo; if it doesn't work, contact the moderators through the yahoo group, so that they try to recover the information previously saved. If you notice that you're messing up your editing, or that something is wrong with your work, don't Save, just Cancel, and then start again. Thank you!


NotePlease, resize your photo to 150 x 150 (pixels) maximum before uploading it.


If you don't know how to resize your photo, please see the Help page


If you have questions, feel free to ask in the YG list





Teresa Almeida d'Eça




I'm a retired EFL teacher and currently an online and f2f teacher trainer in Web 2.0 tools. I taught English for 33 years at most levels. I live and work from home in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In January 2002, I joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline 8-week teacher development workshop - yes, back then it was 8 weeks!!! - and since then I've been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! I've been coordinator and moderator of BaW with Dafne González since 2004. It's the longest-running EVO workshop celebrating its "10th Anniversary" this year. So far we've reached 2800 colleagues in 104 countries. I also co-moderate with Dafne the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". You're welcome to visit my website and get in touch with me at teresadeca-at-gmail.com .

YahooMessenger: teca2002pt

Skype: teresadeca

Twitter: teresadeca

SL: Tere Short 



Faith Fishley


Hello Everyone, I am Faith Fishley. I'm Canadian, but I work in Malaysia as a teacher-mentor. I learned a lot when I participated in 2012 and have been to apply it in my work. I look forward to participating this year.


Email: ffishley@hotmail.com

Skype: ladyfaith_1

Twitter: @ffishley



Anisoara Pop


Hi everyone,

I’m Anisoara Pop and I teach English to business students in Tirgu Mures, Transylvania, Romania. I’ve been part of Baw since 2009 as both participant and moderator and learned together with  this wonderful and warm community of dedicated professionals, convinced that application of the latest technologies makes me a better teacher and assists and motivates my learners. Baw is a great opportunity of interacting with language teachers worldwide, opportunity for which I am more than grateful.

YM: anisoara_pp

Skype: anisoara.pop09

gmail: anisoarapop2011@gmail.com


Karen Frazier Tsai




I’m Karen Frazier Tsai and I live in Seattle WA. I’m delighted to be joining everyone for BaW 2013! When I started BaW2012 last year, I was unsure of my ability to really understand how to use online tools; but I found the BaW moderators and presenters to be great teachers! Plus, the entire group was really supportive as we all learned together. So, I’m looking forward to learning more about how we can use webtools in our teaching! J


I have a passion for working with international students and families. I am an author for Oxford University Press and have taught EFL in Taiwan and ESL in the U.S. My work with OUP has taken me to Asia and Mexico for teacher-training seminars.


Skype: kftsai02

Facebook: Karen Frazier Tsai 


Yvonne Dagan


Hello! I'm Yvonne Dagan, apologies for joining the group a bit late.


I'm currently working in Sicily but am originally from Dundee, Scotland and as I'm an English Language Teacher, I travel around a lot and am keen to explore ways of staying in touch with the professional and learner communities i meet as I roam around!


At the moment I work for International House but have also worked in State schools and private Academies in Spain. So I work in TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language, at the moment but have also worked in CLIL - Content Language Integrated Learning, and so would love to be able to keep all my knowledge and learning current.


Teaching is changing so much and I guess I've joined this group to refresh and learn how I can stay current.


Nice to meet you all and hope we can all help each other.




Luz Amparo Duque



.Hello everybody, my name is Luz Amparo, I'm from Colombia an live and work in Bogotá, I'm an English teacher and want to learn a lot about the use of web tools to use with my students. I apologize for entereing this group late and would like to catch up soon, but for doing so I'll need your help.


I'm glad to meet you all and I hope to help you too.


Luz Amparo


Isabel Teixeira


I´m an EFL teacher who teaches in a public language center in Brasília, the capital of Brazil.I´m also an iEARNER and have been working with online collaborative projects since 2000. In 2011,I had the opportunity to spend 5 months in The USA in a program for teachers. I have been taking part in BAW since 2006 and have learned a lot.



Cholpon Musaeva


Hi everyone,


I am Cholpon Musaeva from Kyrgyzstan presently residing and studying in India. I have been teaching English for 6 years. I participated in BaW 12 last year and enjoyed the experience a lot though could not take part in all the sessions due to time. I hope this time  I will be able to practise and explore more with all my course mates, and very open, helpful and extremely supportive coordinators and moderators :). Last year I missed the session on blogging, hope this time will make up for it. 


My yahoo id: chopa_m

Skype id: Cholpon.Musaeva

Facebook: Cholpon Musaeva 

Twitter: CholponM80ELT


Fiona MacMartin


Hello everyone,

I'm from Canada but I live in Korea. I will be teaching general conversation, reading and writing to university students beginning this spring.  I'm hoping that I can learn a few things that will enhance my classes through this workshop.  I'm an absolute beginner at all of this so it will be a real learning experience for me! 


Skype: fiomac5



Nora Brussolo 


Hello to everyone.

I´m Nora Brussolo from Buenos Aires Argentina. I teach ESL in a private secondary school and my students, whose level range from intemediate to advanced, are 13 - 18 years old. 

I have been teaching for more than 20 years and apart from being in front of the classes, I´m the coordinator of the English Department.

A few years ago I took part in the blogging and video EVO sessions which proved really interesting. This year I would like to integrate the use of technologies into my classes. I have read a lot about blended learning and I think it´s time to do some hands-on practice. I have joined this session to be able to learn while doing and then apply all that to my classes. 


e-mail: nbrussolo@yahoo.com.ar

Yahoo ID: nbrussolo

Skype: norbru4

Facebook: Nora Brussolo


Margarita Kalyuzhna


Hello! I am Margarita Kalyuzhna an EFL teacher from Kirovograd, Ukraine. I hope find new friends and learn about technology.
Sincerely yours, Margarita

YahooMessenger: ritka09


Twitter: margo_kalyuzhna

Gmail: verritka@gmail.com

Blog: http://englishwebteacher.blogspot.com/ 


Fabiana Casella


Hello everybody!

My name is Fabiana Casella and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I started teaching EFL to Primary, Secondary students and adults back in 1988. In 2001, I was selected by VIF (Visiting International Faculty) Program to teach Spanish and ESL/ESOL in public Middle and High Schools in the US, where I lived together with my family and taught for almost seven years.  That was a crucial turning point in my private life and my career as an educator. I met so many people from all walks of lives and experienced so many things, that it will take me forever to tell you all. Technology and online teaching blew my mind off while living there. So here I am, back again in my hometown, training students to take Cambridge ESOL exams, trying to get engaged in any tech tool teaching event available, attending these amazing Live Sessions, learning from these wonderful moderators and hoping to be able to complete the activities, start my own blog, Y Not?... become a webhead, if my job as a 24/7 caring proud mom allows me to do so.

Nice to meet y´all! 

Gmail: fabianacasella@gmail.com

Skype: fabianna.casella



Leila Kara Mostefa




Hi from Algeria,

My name is Leila Kara Mostefa from Algeria. I’m a university teacher at the university, department of foreign languages. I’m very interested in teaching and learning with the new tools of information and communication technologies and I want to share my teaching experiences with colleagues from different parts of the world.





Sandra Rogers


Currently, I'm pursuing a doctorate in instructional design at the University of South Alabama (USA).  This year, I have a graduate assistantship in the Innovative Learning Center at USA.  Additionally, I have a virtual Foreign Service internship with the U.S. State Department.  My career highlights include serving as an English Teaching Fellow to Mozambique with USIA, serving as a dual language Pre-K demonstration teacher for UCLA's laboratory school, blogging for TESOL, and serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras.  I've been working with EVO since 2009; it's been a great pleasure to mentor and moderate EVO sessions and serve on the coordination team. Lastly, I produce a weekly e-newspaper about virtual learning environments on Paper.li titled, The Online Educator.  During EVO, I highlight the activities of moderators, so check it out: http://paper.li/teacherrogers/1301595898 


Email: SandRogers123@yahoo.com

TappedIn Virtual Office: SandraR

Skype: Sandrogers123

Twitter: @TeacherRogers

Blog: http://teacherrogers.wordpress.com/

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/teacherrogers

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Teacherrogers 




Ivana Brozović



Ma name is Ivana Brozović. I'm a math teacher in secondary school Gimnazija Bernardina Frankopana in Ogulin, Croatia. 

During the study, I have used some tools like Wikispaces, Google Docs,

I now this workshop is primarily for language learning but I'm a young teacher,
I work only four months, and want to explore new possibilities for teaching


E - mail: ivana0707@gmail.com

Skype: anavy7

Twitter: anavy7

Yahoo ID: anavy7





Write your name here


My name is Wyn. I have taught English to speakers of other languages in Japan, Poland and the UK. Now teaching in Oxford, I also develop ELT materials and edit a webzine for students of English.


Website: http://englishzine.com




Mariana Hernández


Hello from Mexico,

I sent my introduction on Monday, January 14, 2013; unfortunately, because of some school problems I could not join before and add my information in the wiki. I am an EFL teacher at a public university in Oaxaca, Mexico. Because I work in a public school, we always have political problems and that implies to close the school. I have been teaching in opened areas such as parks :( … because of that, I have planned to introduce online courses to my students. I have tried tools like Skype, hotmail and yahoo messenger, but I want to do something more professional :)


I know it is a bit late, but I think that if a teacher really wants to improve because of their students, he /she needs to do as much as he/she can.


So here, I am… looking forward to catching up as much as I can.


Best regards,


Mariana Hernández


Yahoo ID: hevlm

Skype: amiga_mexicana


PS. Below it is my first introduction



From: he vlm <hevlm@yahoo.com>
To: baw2013 Moderator <baw2013-owner@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: WelcomeMessage


Hello everybody,

I am Mariana from Mexico. I am so keen to learn more about new ways of teaching. I teach and live in the southeast of Mexico.

I have been teaching for almost 14 years. I am new in this kind of courses. I 'l do my best to be successful on it.

Nice too meet you all,




Müzeyyen Aykaç Erdoğan



Hello! I am Müzeyyen. I live in Turkey and I have been teaching English at a university in Muğla. Actually, I have been a member of webheads since 2004 but I can't say that I do my best! BuT I decided to use technology in my classes effectively this year.  It is a pleasure for me to learn and apply some new tools in teaching. I also would like to join or participate webheads workspaces, online meetings to share friends' teaching experiences on using technological tools.

I created a talk group in voxopop to improve my students' speaking and pronunciation skills. Voxopop  is also a good way for my students to meet and listen to  intercultural partners.  I hope I can catch up with many things as voxopop and can do my best. :-)



 skype: muzo970




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).



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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).



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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




Write your name here

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Write/paste your introduction here (the one you sent to the Yahoo group).




Comments (1)

müzeyyen aykaç said

at 6:24 am on Apr 21, 2013

I just view the page, but not add my intro.What should I do?

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